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Items tagged with: Cycling

While your article mentions a lot of different materials, it doesn't actually look at what safety cycle helmets offer. Hint: FAR less than you think.…
#Cycling #BikeTooter #WillCycle #CycleHelmets

From leather strips to polystyrene foam: A materials engineer explains how bicycle helmet materials have changed to meet new safety challenges as cycling evolved: #cycling #helmets #safety

"Governments Should Start Paying People to Bike to Work"

🙌 for data-driven solutions! Drivers should love this! Every commuter on a bike is a car that isn't on the road, taking that lane, in that parking spot, blocking that turn ...…

#cycling #biketooter #bikecommuting

A nighttime biking craze has sparked a backlash from Chinese officials concerned about traffic chaos and caught off guard by a surprise mass-cycle of university students — a demographic with a history of protest.… #asiapacific #society #china #cycling #universities #students #zhengzhou #henan #kaifeng

Two years ago today, I wrote my first post on #Mastodon after lurking for months. I was welcomed in torrent of kindness, and am pleased to report my initial impression has held true.

I've found community among people who love #Running, #Cycling, #Ottawa, #Horror, and #FilmMaking here (among others).

We still have so much work to do to make this a better, safer place for all.

I have learned so much from so many.

Support your server! Thank you all.…

Simple out & back to the nearest largest town. Had a nice coffee & a look about. Was cold to start with but soon warmed up. #biketoot #biketooer #cycling #Spain #Andalusia #Baza

"Next time a council announces a crackdown on cycling due to the activity of delivery riders, perhaps have a think about why and how we have allowed companies to operate with a business model that is more or less predicated on mass illegality."

#UKpolitics #Birmingham #Cycling #Deliveroo #JustEat #UberEats…