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Items tagged with: peopleFarming

As in folks love to say you’re the product being sold but you’re actually too valuable to sell. If you’re my user (the person I, as a Big Tech corporation, use), then I’ll never sell you. Oh no, I want to own you forever, exploit you myself, and rent access to you so others can exploit you also. I run a people farm. And you’re the livestock.

#BigTech #SiliconValley #VC #PeopleFarming #surveillance #capitalism

They’re not yours, they’re theirs. Jeff Atwood thanks you for your free labour. (I’m kidding, he doesn’t. Feel grateful he even allowed you to contribute in the first place, serf.)

Speaking of Jeff Atwood, isn’t he the guy helping fund Mastodon now? 🤔

Update: been told Jeff left StackExchange a while ago so please substitute whichever Silicon Valley tech bro is currently running it.

#SiliconValley #PeopleFarming #JeffAtwood #surveillance #capitalism #AllYourDataAreBelongToUs