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Items tagged with: BigTech


Items tagged with: BigTech

Vivaldi now has Proton VPN built in our versions for Windows, Mac and Linux. Time to get away from Big Tech!


#Windows #Macos #Linux #browser #Vivaldi #Privacy #BigTech #Vivaldi @Vivaldi

Best alternative to Google Maps?

I'm working to get Google out of my life and data, and that map app is the next step, once I finally shake gmail loose.

#googlemaps #Google #privacy #onlineprivacy #datasecurity #bigtech #broligarchy

As long as we talk about tech independence or digital #sovereignty primarily in terms of geography and jurisdiction, we will lose as users and as people with rights:

1. Because this narrative can easily be co-opted by antidemocratic, nationalistic forces.

2. It takes away attention from what actually provides us with independence: software #freedom, #interoperability, a power shift away from #bigtech to small, decentralised, ethical tech.

3. It gives praise to entities...

What do you call a warning that comes seven years too late?

#capitalism #surveillance #SiliconValley #BigTech #peopleFarming #humanRights…

Looking for alternatives to popular #Microsoft products? We can help! Take a look at these private alternatives👇🏼

Which of them are you using? 🤔

#microsoft #bigtech #bigtechalternatives

For quite some time I knew that the #irish #dataprotection institution was an underfunded, understaffed, weak #pontemkin village #bigtech was taking advantage of - and only #noyb was really getting on their nerves.

I ordered it yesterday and will have the book in my hands tomorrow ( certainly not from #Amazon, but local bookshop! )
Well ... feels like another not so nice day coming. :mastoshrug:

My “not a book review” of Careless People – the book Facebook doesn’t want you to read.

With highlights on Ireland’s complicity and the lengths people farmers (as I call them) will go to to appease authoritarian regimes like China.…

It’s clear from this that Ireland should be stripped of the authority to enforce GDPR and, really, people farmers – and the business model of people farming in general – should be banned in the EU.

(Don’t hold your breaths.)

#carelessPeople #facebook #peopleFarming #surveillance #capitalism #surveillanceCapitalism #BigTech #SiliconValley #ventureCapital #USA #fascism #technofascism #EU #Ireland #tax #GDPR #tech #humanRights #democracy




Ich hab' das in den letzten Jahren Gesammelte mal zusammengeschrieben.

Die Leute müssen weg von chinesischer und US #BigTech. Dringend. - Hier sind die Argumente zu finden:…

#SurveillanceState #Surveillance #Technology #Meta

👉Which #Messenger To Replace the #DataKraken #WhatsApp with? 👈



True, however the most important criterion is that a replacement messenger app for #WhatsApp must have any chance at replacing #WhatsApp.
As a friend of mine phrased it here on Mastodon: "I have a hard time convincing my friend and family even to switch to [the known services,] #Signal or #Threema.

@thevril @pluralistic @kino


👉Which #Messenger To Replace the #DataKraken #WhatsApp with? 👈




"👉#WhatsApp says journalists and civil society members were targets of #Israeli spyware,... #ParagonSolutions...1)
👉Nearly 100 journalists and other members of civil society👈 using WhatsApp, the popular messaging app owned by #Meta,...

👉It is way past midnight to stop using #Meta products 2). 👈

Or other #BigTech apps.

Article on Polish tech news site on how Streamyard screwed over our tiny not-for-profit (and, no doubt others) by automatically upgrading us to a plan at twice the price.…

#streamyard #startups #tech #BigTech #streamingVideo #videoStreaming #video #streaming #USA #asshats

Kampagne: Havefolket forlader tech-giganterne 🧑‍🌾

Happy 10th anniversary to Spyware 2.0 – the video we released at the launch of (what is now Small Technology Foundation¹).

Have we learned any lessons in those ten years, I wonder.

#spyware #SiliconValley #BigTech #technology #fascism #technoFascism #peopleFarming #surveillance #capitalism #surveillanceCapitalism


"The #fediverse won’t succeed just because it’s better. It will succeed if and only if people choose it. If they reject the idea that being trapped in someone else’s ecosystem is just the cost of existing online. If they stop believing that “free” means surrendering ownership of your own connections, your own history, your own data. The #internet was built to connect us, not silo us to pad a wealth-extremist’s bank account." (#westenberg)
#bigtech #openweb #indieweb…

We’re not going to get out of this simply by voting with our wallets, but still, we might at least try and hurt the fuckers in the only place they feel any pain…

(And don’t get me started on “European Values”. No, we don’t get a gold star while letting refugees drown off our coasts and being complicit in the Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. We’re just not fully fascist yet and might just avoid it… maybe. It’s a pretty fucking low bar.)

#BuyEuropeanMade #EU #Europe #USA #Trump #ElonMusk #fascism #SiliconValley #BigTech #technofascism #boycott #divestment

The Camera Panopticon

How did we end up in technofascism? Watch this talk I gave over a decade ago warning of the dangers of Silicon Valley and Big Tech and urging us to embrace alternatives.…

(Transcript available in English, Español, and Nederlands, thanks to the community.)

#technofascism #BigTech #SiliconValley #startups #InternetOfThings #ventureCapital #web #decentralisation #ethicalDesign #design #diversity #inclusion #accessibility #FOSS #Zuckerberg #tech #society #USA #fascism #EU #theCameraPanopticon

Switching from Big Tech is not always easy. You get used to their ways and they make it hard to switch.

Are you ready to make the switch?

Are you ready to help your friends make the switch?

There are alternatives. One of them is @Vivaldi, the browser company I co-founded in 2012. I invite you to join us.

#Vivaldi #BigTech #browser #Mastodon #fediverse #Windows #macos #Linux #Android #ios

Elon #Musk thinks of himself as the #RebelAlliance from #StarWars. He is the richest #oligarch in the world and the best friend of the US #president, he is the fucking empire. #BigTech is the fucking #empire! We here in the #Fediverse are the Rebel Alliance and we need to finally blow up this ventilation shaft and stop this fucking empire!

That is true. In fact, any more sophisticated #BigTech device should be avoided for this reason. In particular if it is from the #US or #China.

I write "device" b/c any time there is hardware that runs with a proprietary software or even an operating system, the user looses control (e.g. an #Amazon #Alexa or a #Tesla, or a #Huawei smartphone as examples for the latter, an #Android or #Apple app or #Windows #OS for the former.)

Just using browser software and turning...

“Mozilla doesn’t sell data about you (in the way that most people think about ‘selling data’)”

– Mozilla

;) ;)

(At least Mark Zuckerberg had the good grace to call us “dumb fucks” to our faces.)…

#Mozilla #surveillance #capitalism #SiliconValley #BigTech

Anything you say or do in Firefox may be used by Mozilla against you. You have the right to use a different browser. If you cannot find a browser that doesn’t fuck you over one way or another, one will not be provided for you because capitalism is working exactly as designed.……

#Mozilla #Firefox #TermsOfUse #SiliconValley #BigTech #USA #AI