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Items tagged with: sevenmountainmandate

§ Dismantling #government & elevating #religion

As I have watched & covered #Project2025 & the backlash to it from #Democrats & #Trump’s circle, it has become clear that few have read the document itself. It is at times less aggressive than its detractors would have you believe & at others far more wide-reaching & consequential than a simplistic infographic [could impart].

#authoritarianism #autocracy #NewApostolicReformation #SevenMountainMandate

#law #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

It doesn’t say [explicitly] to defund #SocialSecurity, for instance…. But it does say a whole lot else that would affect the daily lives of people in the #US & beyond.

Across multiple #FederalAgencies, it would make access to #abortion INFINITELY more difficult. It would change the name of the Federal #Health & Human Services Dept [#HHS] to the “Department of Life”.

#authoritarianism #autocracy #NewApostolicReformation #SevenMountainMandate

#law #democracy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

It would #criminalize #pornography. There would be #MassDeportations & curtailments of LEGAL #immigration programs, including #DACA. It would DISMANTLE the Dept of #Education.

Throughout the #Project2025 manifesto, authors also recommend ways to increase funding for #religious orgs by giving them more access to #government programs–largely through increased use of #school vouchers that could go to religious schools

#authoritarianism #autocracy #NewApostolicReformation #SevenMountainMandate