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Items tagged with: Antifa

Yesterday, masked nazis attacked an anti-fascist gathering in southern Stockholm, Sweden. Their aim was to disrupt the meeting and try to beat up the speakers. They failed and ran off, and the meeting could take place anyway. We extend our solidarity to those who were attacked, and want to reiterate that the fascist threat has to be confronted by on the ground community organizing - for a better world tomorrow, but also in order to destroy fascist organizing wherever we can find it here and now, in order to keep us and our communities safe.

"¡No Pasarán!"

#antifa #sweden

Die KiGa-Queen liest ihr Bilderbuch. "Ah, da ist so ein Nazi-Ding" meint sie und zeigt auf das Bild einer Demo.
"Nazis bekommen keinen Toast" sinniert sie dann.

(Sie meinte "Anti-Nazi-Ding", aus gelebter Erfahrung.)


#NETV #Antifa #Tshirt

Secretive #Christofascist fraternal order looking to franchise #Fascism.

This should shock us all into action, but how do we fight it?

#SACR #Antifa #Antifascist #AntifaAF #ArtFED #TVAC #RedStateInsurgents

This is the path to totalitarian fascism.

"Private donors including big-box stores, fossil fuel companies, and tech giants are secretly giving hundreds of millions of dollars annually to law enforcement agencies and related foundations, allowing police to buy specialized weapons and technology with little public oversight.

Experts say this huge deluge of police “dark money” funding, detailed in a new University of Chicago working paper and in an additional analysis shared exclusively with the Lever, leaves law enforcement beholden to the companies and powerful donors bankrolling them, rather than the communities that officers are sworn to serve."

#Police #Fascism #ACAB #Antifa #AntifaAF