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Items tagged with: antifa

lol NextDoor.

Last week someone posted a pick of two WWII (apparently German?) military vehicles on the back of a truck, painted with camo and spray paint, and they framed the post as being afraid of the white supremacist moving in.

The comments were FULL of people defending a person's right to collect WWII-era Nazi military vehicles without being falsely accused of being racist. Bending over backwards with incredible imagination and sympathy.

I pointed out that this level of defense is not leveled for kids in hoodies and strangers ringing doorbells, where those imaginations are employed to invent every suspicion of sinister intent.

Today it's a pic of a "pedo van" (their word) with stickers (pic is blurry so hard to tell, but maybe an army helmet, possibly Western WA native art, NOT colorful kid stickers), and not a single person defending, just lots of "Did you call the police?" "Where's the FBI??" and "Kids aren't safe anymore!!"


#AbuseCulture #antifa #NextDoor

During the time of Marx, the term "socialist" referred to a utopian vision where there is no capital and everyone shares everything. Marx was against this form of utopian socialism. What I hear you both talking about is a form of utopian socialism that is unrealistic in the same sense that Marx disagreed with it.

The form of communism that Marx was proposing was a regulation of capital.

I don't make a strong distinction between socialism and communism as I believe we need to work together against the fascists and against the capitalists.

Being anti-capitalist is not the same as being against capitalism.

I would urge you to not be utopian and to be more pragmatic. I've been referred to "pragmatic anarchism" recently,, which I would recommend over any utopian form.

Again, it is pragmatic to regulate capitalism in a modern form of socialism / communism.

#socialism #communism #capitalism #anticapitalist #antifa #nonutopian #anarchism #pragmaticanarchy #anarchy

Yesterday, masked nazis attacked an anti-fascist gathering in southern Stockholm, Sweden. Their aim was to disrupt the meeting and try to beat up the speakers. They failed and ran off, and the meeting could take place anyway. We extend our solidarity to those who were attacked, and want to reiterate that the fascist threat has to be confronted by on the ground community organizing - for a better world tomorrow, but also in order to destroy fascist organizing wherever we can find it here and now, in order to keep us and our communities safe.

"¡No Pasarán!"

#antifa #sweden


#NETV #Antifa #Tshirt

Secretive #Christofascist fraternal order looking to franchise #Fascism.

This should shock us all into action, but how do we fight it?

#SACR #Antifa #Antifascist #AntifaAF #ArtFED #TVAC #RedStateInsurgents
