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Items tagged with: Contraception

#Women are still being charged for #contraception even though federal #law dictates it should be free. The chair of the #Senate #health cmte wants a govt watchdog to investigate why.

Under the #ACA, health plans are required to provide #BirthControl to patients as a #preventive. Repeated probes have found that plans flout the law & #patients are asked to pay, Sen #BernieSanders said in a letter being sent Mon to the Govt #Accountability Office.


About time! But would SCOTUS ban this one too? Or is that just for women… [Folks, that was rhetorical. We know the answer]

“A male birth control gel is one step closer to reality

Researchers at Endocrine Society’s conference in Boston presented encouraging earlystage clinical trial results of a male birth control method that takes the form of a hormonal gel.” #contraception

Is it just me, or does the new #Reuters logo look like it should be for birth control pills? #Contraception #BirthControl