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Items tagged with: EricAdams

#EricAdams is NYC’s first mayor to be charged with a crime, but he's hardly the only politician to run afoul of rules that govern raising and spending funds in elections.

And if history shows anything it's this: Campaign finance violations are often just the first chapter in a much wilder story.

#news #uspolitics #nyc #election #history

So #EricAdams in #NewYorkCity is probably on the way out

The replacement for #mayor would be the #NewYork City #PublicAdvocate


"A member of the #Democratic Party and a self-described democratic #socialist, Williams served as Deputy Leader of the city council and chair of the Task Force on City #Workforce #Equity


Williams was a supporter of the #OccupyWallStreet movement"


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#NYC #Activist #Activism #Socialism

#EricAdams #IndictmentUnsealed

Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted on federal charges of #bribery, #fraud & #soliciting illegal #foreign campaign #donations.

The indictment, which was unsealed on Thurs morning, follows an investigation that started in 2021 & has focused at least in part on whether he conspired w/ the #Turkish government to receive illegal foreign campaign contributions & whether he took official actions on its behalf.

#NY #corruption #NYpol #law
