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Items tagged with: MastoAdmin

:skull360: We have now successfully upgraded to v4.3.0-alpha.3+mementomods-2024-05-01. The server has Mastodon Bird UI 2.0.0rc37 installed with no further changes at this time in the UI.

The branch is now synced and up-to-date and 158 commits ahead from the last version 2024-04-06.

I love running the newest version so I can test ahead in production for the upcoming Mastodon Bird UI versions. I do have my local instance with the production db, but it is far more fun this way and it feels good to have new things.

This "testing in live" is also because it's the perfect way to make sure that I can help contributing to Mastodon and spot bugs before they end up in the final rc, beta or stable versions. There most probably will be some minor bugs, but the earlier we tackle them the better.

As usual, please tell me about any strange things you may encounter with this Mastodon version. We're running bleeding edge after all.

I hope you enjoy your time here. Feel free to send me a message if you have anything in mind. :bunhdheart:

#MementoMoriSocial #MastoAdmin #Mastodon #MastodonBirdUI #BirdUI

Ugh. I have so much resentment for Fedi admins who shut down instances without doing their due diligence to make sure their users are taken care of.🤬🤦‍♂️

Worst, if you make an announcement about a shutdown, claiming you'll help, then proceed to delete that announcement and then your account, making getting that help impossible.🙄

Like wtf.

#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #MastoAdmin #FediAdmin

one of the nice features of running your own instance is that you can increase the number of allowed characters to something a bit more than the default.

That way you can fit those URL's (and your argumentation that has nicely formed sentences instead of abbreviated ones) in your toots and your reactions.

I strongly recommend doing that. #mastoadmin

My instance is at version v4.3.0-alpha.3+mementomods-2024-04-06, is at version v4.3.0-nightly.2024-04-18.

"This branch is 124 commits behind"...
Should I keep it... after all, why should I?

(Only MastoAdmin things.)

#MastoAdmin #MementoMoriSocial

My Mastodon server,, has received a legal threat in an attempt to have a user's thread deleted. It is styled as a cease and desist.

I have published the email here:


I really don't want to shut down 4 out of 6 of the instances I run, but at the same time I seem to be the only one who is interested in them. And the cost per month to run them is by itself annoying when no one seems to care.

I don't know if having independent instances for the Bots from the sites I am building is worth the compound server costs.


Content warning: Fediblock Recommendation: Transphobic Comment

Content warning: Fediblock recommendation, disingenuous activity

Fun fact #2 about hosting:

In the prewar apartment I (and, by association, all the infra) live in there are very few power outlets, so they are all utilized. A few of the outlets are controlled by light switches! Including the outlets for our Internet equipment.

In the early days, guests would mistakenly try to turn off lights but ended up just shutting down the whole site. I 3d printed a little piece so people couldn't flip this switch anymore 💀


My #SelfHosted Mastodon instance has processed 129,277,027 #SideKiq jobs since November 20, 2022. 1.77 million failed.

How many upgrades have we done since Nov 2022?

I am just thankful I haven't bricked my Mastodon instance, esp when we have to upgrade prerequisites.

Curious, where does your instance stand in SideKiq Jobs and how long.

There's a little-known setting on Mastodon called "limited federation mode". In this mode, there is no federation except with instances that the admin has specifically named on an allowlist. This is a lot better for user safety, and may suit some instances.

- If you're on managed hosting, you can ask your hosting provider to switch it on.

- If you're maintaining Mastodon yourself manually, docs are at

More info at


I came across this interesting bit about multiple Mastodon-instances on a single server, howbeit, it's from 2018 and there have been a lot of changes since then.

The author wanted to run two instances off the same base code, different databases, re-using as much existing infrastructure as it could, essentially, and appears to have done so.

I don't know why anyone, other than wanting to migrate their instance to a new one, would do this, but here it is. #MastoAdmin

What is the most widely used and actively maintained tool to feed #RSS into #Mastodon accounts?

I currently use @mastofeed which is really great when it works, but if it doesn't it is somewhat of a black box, so I would prefer to self-host something simple that can create similar toots.

I know there is by @0xamit - do you actively maintain it?


ℹ️ wiki ℹ️

Today I have revamped and rewritten most of the wiki pages of This was on my list for a long time.

Please have a look at it, there might be one or two things you didn't know yet.

For the ones interested, I migrated the wiki from Wiki.js to Grav. A world of difference.

I hope you like it!

#MountainsSocialMastoAdmin #MastoAdmin

Huh. Is the domain validation done on a user's home instance and the validation info is sent to each remote instance? Or is it done on each remote instance that knows of the user? It kind of seems like it is the latter.

I'm not sure if #gotosocial does domain validation since it doesn't show anything on my profile here on my home instance.

#mastodon #mastoadmin


It is really strange these nginx blocks are not in the official docs. Why?

It doesn't work with that simple location block example you have. Any idea on what to add in the location block?

Does @renchap have any information about this?

@nicd @harald


Installing the FediBuzz relay | Jeff Sikes

#fediverse #mastoadmin #fedibuzz

I've updated both and to their latest commits.

For Elk, this means the ability to create threads.

#elk #phanpy #mastoadmin

Threads has already blocked Mastodon instances since 21 Mar 2024 around 3 month after joining the Fediverse.

#mastoadmin #threads

HIGHLY recommend Fediblock for user '' as they're tagging random users and spamming porn with no CW. Receipts attached in the screenshot.

Edit: The whole instance is Freeze Peach. Toss it in the trash.

#Fediblock #Fediverse #Fedi #FediAdmin #MastoAdmin