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Items tagged with: GUADEC

Ryan's GUADEC keynote about Thunderbird's story of death and rebirth - and how its lessons can help your OSS project - starts in just under an hour at 21:45 UTC! Plenty of time to get a snack, find a comfy seat, and watch in person or online:

#Thunderbird #GUADEC #OpenSource

We think our project's journey from nearly dead to thriving is an awesome story with lessons for any OSS project. Watch @ryanleesipes tell that story in today's #GUADEC keynote at 21:45 UTC/ 15:45 Mountain. @gnome is streaming their talks (thank you!), and you can catch his talk here:

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Community

Next week I will travel to #GUADEC #GUADEC2024 to Denver, CO, in the US.

Perhaps some of you have read my #OpenPrinting News from May where I tell that 2004 was a magic year and so we have a lot 20th anniversaries in FOSS now.

And the 2 keynotes on GUADEC are about 2 of them: Ryan Sipes, CEO of #Thunderbird @thunderbird and Stephanie Taylor, program lead of #GSoC!