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Items tagged with: Hebrew

I have been meeting people who are working on their #Hebrew reading skills to become able to say traditional #Jewish #prayer (#Tefillah). There are a few good free resources on the website using #Psalms (#Tehillim) ~ here are two:

Rafi Metz's slow and clear reading of Psalms in alternating English and Hebrew:

Shir Yaakov Feit's musical settings of verses from Hebrew Psalms, in easy-to-follow tunes:

I love my country" isn't just a phrase; it's a feeling that runs deep. ❤️

Every time I see my flag waving or hear our national anthem, I'm reminded of the freedoms we cherish and the diverse people who make our nation special. Traveling the world has shown me just how precious this love is, connecting us all through shared pride and respect.

Let's celebrate the beauty of our homelands and the global community that makes it even richer. 🌍✨

Comment back with the flag emoji of the country you love 💙🤍🇮🇱

#ILoveMyCountry #GlobalCitizens #ProudAndGrateful #LanguageLearning #Hebrew