Items tagged with: language
A very interesting paper arguing that thinking is independent of language! Important implications for philosophy, but also if language is merely a communication tool and not the foundation of intelligence, what does this mean for the likes of chatGPT and friends?…
Language and thought are not the same thing: evidence from neuroimaging and neurological patients - PMC
Is thought possible without language? Individuals with global aphasia, who have almost no ability to understand or produce language, provide a powerful opportunity to find out. Astonishingly, despite their near-total loss of language, these
I enjoyed this deep dive into why people call themselves Michiganders, via @TheConversationUS Special extra: diagram of using your hands to show where you come from in the Mitten State.
I grew up in Ann Arbor and have always used Michigander. Michiganite was new to me (and in a Federal style manual?).…
#Michigan #Language #Linguistics #Midwest
Michiganders or Michiganians? A linguist explains why the answer is clear
‘The chief objection to Michigander is that it inspires idiots to call a Michigan woman a Michigoose and a child a Michigosling,’ the American essayist H.L. Mencken wrote in 1947.The Conversation