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Items tagged with: Kekkonen

Nyt tipahdin ja huolella 😂

Urho Kekkonen vastaa YouTube-kommentteihin osa III (1979), kysymyslistalla mm. Yhdysvaltojen presidenttiehdokkaat.

#Politiikka #Huumori #Videot #JoeBiden #Biden #Trump #Kekkonen #UrhoKekkonen #Tekoäly

A lot of discussion about a #president and his age.

This is Urho Kekkonen, the longest-serving president of Finland. The first photo shows him as he loved to present himself: strong, determined, irreplaceable – despite his advanced age.

The second photo shows him shortly before leaving office, at the time on a sick leave due to the "flu". His health deteriorated within weeks, and PM Koivisto later wrote that he soon became "mentally unreachable".

#Kekkonen was 81 at the time.

