Items tagged with: MadeWithEleventy
And @glitchdotcom + @eleventy are such a perfect match.
Definitely will be experimenting more with this setup!
#MadeWithGlitch #eleventy #11ty #MadeWithEleventy #MadeWith11ty #opensource
I replaced the SoundCloud embeds with basic audio HTML elements.
The page is still fairly plain, but I went ahead and put the source code on GitHub if anyone wants to play with this and make their own.
#OpenSource #github #portfolio #MusicPortfolio #music #musicians #11ty #eleventy #MadeWithEleventy #MadeWith11ty
GitHub - stefanbohacek/music
Contribute to stefanbohacek/music development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
I'm putting together a music portfolio page.
It's pretty basic right now, so I'd love to see what others have created for some inspiration.
#music #musicians #portfolio #MusicPortfolio #11ty #eleventy #MadeWithEleventy #WebDesign