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Items tagged with: Medicine

Let’s clarify:

Having a patent means only that you can stop others from making, using, selling or importing your invention – it doesn’t mean the invention works well or without risk.

“FDA approved” means a product’s benefits have been found to outweigh the risks for a specific purpose – not that it’s of high quality or low risk in general.
#health #medicine #invention #science

New from @STAT's Casey Ross and me:

#Microsoft has helped organize at least 4 efforts to set standards in #healthcare #AI. Is that problematic?

also: did I sneak a history of the EPA's TSCA into a story about AI? ✨click to find out✨

#health #healthcare #healthtech #medicine #healthpolicy #regulatorycapture

Today I've done something I've never done before and written in direct criticism of another trans writer.

Andrea Long Chu, in my opinion, is dangerously undermining the fight for access to transition in the guise of defending trans people's right to do it.

#trans #transgender #science #medicine #journalism

Please share: If you are a #biophysics postdoc 👩‍🔬👨‍🔬🔬🧪 and ready to take the next step, consider applying for a #groupleader position in the newly founded research centre at the interface between #physics and #medicine set up by the Max Planck Society in collaboration with the university in #Erlangen. Excellent resources for a group for 6 years!

**Deadline end of April**

Q: If you walk into a room where someone with #COVID has been previously, how long can infectious virus 🦠 still be present?

A: Potentially, nearly 5 hours!

These researchers found that genetically identical #SarsCoV2 infected a patient who was admitted 4 hrs, 45 min post D/C of an asympto infected pt. Have to wonder if it’d be even longer if they’d been symptomatic…
#medicine #press

Scientists at Uppsala University have discovered a new class of antibiotics with potent activity against multi-drug resistant bacteria. has more, including how antibiotics have become heavily relied on for a multitude of treatments, but a global rise in antibiotic resistance threatens their effectiveness.
#Science #Health #Medicine #Antibiotics #Bacteria #Biology