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Items tagged with: Reform

Reform canvasser caught saying migrants should be used for 'target practice'

Nigel #Farage’s #Reform UK are facing criticism after a campaigner was filmed saying small boats migrants should be used as “target practice” one week out from the General Election.

An undercover Channel 4 reporter recorded one canvasser describing the #Pride flag as a “degenerate” ensign and suggesting members of the #LGBT+ community are #paedophiles.

#ReformUK #fascists #fascism #UK #England #GeneralElection

#Reform had received more than £2.3m from oil & gas interests, highly polluting industries, & climate science deniers since 12/19 – 92% of the company's donations during that period.

Reform would “scrap #netzero ”, the UK’s legally-binding target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, “fast-track licences of North Sea gas and oil” & introduce 2yr “test sites” for the controversial practice of fracking for shale gas, followed by “major production when safety is proven”.