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Items tagged with: TCA


And you live in Ireland? Northern Ireland?

Could it be resold merchandise from non-#TCA countries like China?


#Trade #EU #UK

(5/5) country of dispatch for both customs duties and the value of imported goods”." 2)

As the Wiki entry states, the #TCA was ratified and came into force on May 1st, 2021.



#Trade #EU #UK



The #TCA is in stark contrast with #TheGuardian article:

"Ireland has landed a €700m (£600m) Brexit bonanza with a steep increase in tax 👉revenues flowing from customs duties now applicable to imports of clothing, food and other goods from Great Britain...👈

The report added that Great Britain was “the top country of dispatch for both customs duties and the value of imported goods”...

The report added that Great Britain was “the...

#Trade #EU #UK


Maybe we got carried away here a bit. Apart from some exotic taxes (excise tax, perhaps?), there shouldn't be any custom duties, as the #EU and #UK formed a #FreeTradeArea by signing the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (#TCA):

"Trade in goods: 👉Trade in goods between the EU and UK shall not be subject to any #tariffs or #quotas.👈 Traders can self-certify compliance with agreed rules of origin. However, as a...