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Items tagged with: buildInPublic

Here we go, first sub page:

Now - yes it's incomplete, as I am building in public. Also I can't guarantee every list is going to be exhaustive.

BUT if there's a glaring omission or if I've written something that is wrong - I want to know! Please tell me!

The W3C resources on WCAG are already amazing. I will be linking to them a lot. I'm trying to make a friendly route in, not rewrite what's already there :)

#accessibility #buildInPublic

So... I bought a domain. I'm doing a thing.

Do people still #buildInPublic these days? Let's do it. It's in a very very sparse starting stage right now:

(Yes, I bought too. Not though!)

#accessibility for hobbyists.

It'll be slow, and move forward in bursts. I'm excited though!

After dealing with my first Play Store app rejection yesterday, I'm happy to announce that my first app **miaocast** (a android podcast player) is now in open beta.

You can install it here:

Feedback and feature requests are welcome!

#android #androiddev #BuildInPublic #indiedev