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Items tagged with: climatebreakdown

Planting trees is something we’re told we need to do more of…particularly in cities. As our urban areas get increasingly hot with every passing year, we need trees to provide shade as well as absorb emissions. But will our native trees be able to survive in these increasingly arid conditions?

We need to start planting the trees that will tolerate our changing climate.


After a lovely outing with several families, we all went for dessert after dinner on the weekend. We ended up at a bubble tea/egg waffle joint.

Everyone got a thing, but I did not allow my daughter to get a drink. I pointed to all the plastic cups and said they came in plastic and we simply aren't doing that. (I also didn't really want her to have that much sugar). I met her halfway and let her get a waffle thing b/c I had a takeout container (i carried them around anticipating leftovers after our dinner event).

I don't know if she felt embarrassed or that I was being unjust. I can only hope she remembers the values I am trying to teach as she grows up.

#ParentingInATimeOfCrisis #ClimateBreakdown

I hate articles like this. A vegan shopping bag toting, straw refusing person is not going to do jack for the #ClimateCrisis

Instead of writing about actual solutions to #ClimateBreakdown like going after oil producers, pointlessly large car manufacturers, fast fashion, or Amazon. The tail wagging writers doing the billionaires bidding has once again pinned the problem on you, the consumer with no agency except to pick one brand of potato chip over the other in a desperate attempt to reduce your plastic by micro grams while Bezos has bridges removed so he can float his yacht out to sea.

#MediaIsComplicit in #ClimateChange from doing Exxon's climate denial bidding back in the day to obfuscating the real problem now.

It's a shame to see NZ swing crazy right.

At one point we thought NZ might be an English speaking place we could potentially escape to.

There really isn't a country on Earth trying to prevent the mass deaths of millions of people, is there?

Every country seems hellbent on accelerating our mutual demise. This isn't a theoretical possibility anymore. The only question remains is where pockets of humanity will survive and how many of us will be left. We can only hope the survivors decide to eat the rich first.
