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Items tagged with: egyptology

@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @paninid @Beachbum

#History #Egyptology #Echnaton

...pharaohs are fascinating figures.

"Akhenaten's 1) monuments were dismantled and hidden, his statues were destroyed, and his name excluded from lists of rulers compiled by later pharaohs." 2)

He is also known as the #Heretic #Pharaoh.



@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @paninid @Beachbum

#History #Egyptology #Echnaton

"Akhenaten founded and moved his dynastic government to, #Akhetaten, referred to as either #Amarna, El-Amarna, or Tell el-Amarna by modern scholars." 2)

The new #religion and the new capital did not survive the #pharaoh's death.
His likely son, #Tutankhamun, born #Tutankhaten, moved the capital back to #Thebes and reinstated the #Amun 2) priesthood.3)




#History #Egyptology #Echnaton

Sounds great.

It is the same person, though. #Echnaton 1) changed the name because #Amenophis is a tribute to the "household " god of the pharaohs, #Amun,* who reigned in #Thebes.

By one account, he broke the stranglehold of the priests of Amun, who had become too powerful, by making the sun god #Aton/ #Aten, the one and only god and him it's sole interlocutor.



@paninid @Outmazi @Beachbum

As I can't decipher anything and as I am a fan of #Egyptology, is #Amenophis IV/ #Akhenaten/ #Akhenaton/ #Echnaton, the inventor of #monotheism in your table?
In particular, is there a connection to the #Abrahamic religions?
As the heretic pharaoh was later on expunged from history by his successors and the #Amun priests as much as possible, I have often wondered whether this radical concept survived this severe punishment..

@paninid @Outmazi @Beachbum