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Items tagged with: litigation

HONOLULU -- Thirteen children and teens in Hawaii took the state government to court over the threat posed by climate change. The settlement reached in Navahine v. Hawaii Department of Transportation recognizes children's constitutional rights to a life-sustaining climate, Gov. Josh Green and attorneys with public interest law firms Our Children's Trust and Earthjustice said in separate statements Thursday. #climate #litigation #Hawaii

#SCOTUS on Thurs will issue more end-of-the-term rulings, potentially including whether #Trump is immune from prosecution in his federal #ElectionInterference case, whether #Jan6 #insurgents may be charged w/ #obstruction & whether #FederalRegulatoryAgencies should have their #powers reduced. Wed, the court inadvertently posted a ruling it has not yet announced that, while #litigation continues, would allow emergency #abortions to stabilize patients in #Idaho where #abortion is banned.


#DEI prgms toppled amid a surge of #conservative #lawsuits

A yr after #SCOTUS struck down race-based college admissions, #RightWing *public interest* grps have filed a barrage of federal lawsuits intended to dismantle long-standing #corporate & #government prgms that consider race in awarding #jobs & other #opportunities, & their #litigation already is eroding the use of #AffirmativeAction in an array of #American institutions.

#law #racism