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Items tagged with: marriage

I gave this sort of thing a fair amount of thought back in my early 30s. This essay was good, as I recall:

Dr. Johnson also had some wisdom on the idea of "The One":
Boswell: "Pray, Sir, do you not suppose that there are fifty women in the world, with any one of whom a man may be as happy, as with any one woman in particular?" Johnson: "Ay, Sir, fifty thousand."


Marriage shouldn't be about waiting for "the one" who is absolutely perfect either. No one's absolutely perfect, neither are you. If you want to get married and have kids, find someone you think you'll be generally happy with and whom you think will be generally happy with you and choose to love that person as much as you can.


Once considered taboo due to the mere suggestion that a couple was having premarital sex, cohabitation before marriage is now the norm. “If nursery rhymes are clues to how couples live their lives, ‘first comes love, then comes marriage’ is sorely outdated,” Allie Volpe writes for Vox. Read more about this cultural trend and dive into the question of whether living together before marriage is good for the relationship.
#Culture #Love #Marriage #Relationships