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Items tagged with: orca

The state of Unix/Linux accessibility is even worse then I feared 🙈 . Fedora has been shipping with a broken screen reader for NINE YEARS?

Orca doesn't work on any distribution that ships with Wayland by default? 😭 (thanks @aral for bringing it my attention)

Do all the distributions and such know that next year they should be accessible?

I can't code and I am not familiar with testing desktop apps, but I would really like to know how I can help to fix this.

(allthough it shows a bigger problem in open source and it's culture)

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Luckily the Newton Project should fix this, but still: it shows accessiiblity is often an afterthought.

#accessibility #opensource #orca #gnome #wayland #screenreader

Even though the response was awful, we should not ashame fedora team.

I would be curious to see if there's any interaction between #orca and #nvda .
Fortunately, they exist on #fediverse .

Hello @NVAccess
