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Items tagged with: prowrestling

Soooo....I have "on the ramp, front row" tickets to WWE Monday Night Raw in Savannah Georgia on May 27th and I keep thinking of funny, witty signs I could make...

However, I ALSO keep thinking about that guy in the front rows of WrestleMania with the QR code that probably got a few million hits during the show and made this👇 😂

I could print it and put it on a sign. It links directly to my Fediverse/Mastodon profile! 🤣


#ProWrestling #ProfessionalWrestling #WWE #Fediverse

ah, then maybe I won't be going to WM next year, if they're actively unsupportive of my city...what a dumb fucking move. We got 2 WM in the past 10 years and now there's a chance we might never get one again....fucking ridiculous...🤬

#WWE #ProWrestling #ProfessionalWrestling


I haven't been to a Professional Wrestling event in over 10 years. My last was WrestleMania XXX.

I JUST scored "on the ramp" floor tickets for Monday Night Raw in Savannah, Georgia next month!!!

It's gonna be my nephew and I. I'm SO fuckin excited!!

#WWERaw #WWE #ProWrestling #ProfessionalWrestling
