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Items tagged with: sexism

I had to make my own.

I love the message, but every meme I’ve seen addresses VP Harris by her 1st name only, & that’s such a pet peeve of mine. #Misogyny #Sexism #Racism #DoubleStandard

I've learned "Don't worry, he treats everyone that way" is a toxic reply in the workplace.

If a male colleage is rude to me, I assume it's his problem, and either shut him down or ignore him. Easy.

But if he acts the same way to a female colleague, she has to ask herself "Is he treating me like this because I'm a woman?". Multiply that by 10–20x/week (or more), and it becomes a huge emotional energy drain.

(Ditto for racialised, trans, and disabled people.)

#workplace #harassment #sexism

"Trump’s entire political career has been built on divisiveness over race and sex, starting with the lie that Obama might have been born outside the US and gendered attacks on Hillary Clinton in 2016. As Biden, Prospero-like, drowns his book, the election of Harris, a Black woman, would provide this era’s last word in poetic justice."

~ David Smith

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #racism #sexism

"Nothing triggers Donald Trump (and MAGA) more than strong Black women. Period. Black women are at the intersection of the racism and sexism that so fuels Trump and his MAGA movement. ...

Harris is the manifestation of all that scares Trump: She is a powerful, successful, smart Black woman."

~ Dean Obeidallah

#KamalaHarris #Trump #abortion #women #ReproductiveRights #racism #sexism

"Obviously, Harris frightens Team Trump. At age 59, she will make the 78-year-old Trump look like the very senior citizen that he is. She also has a sharp mind and a prosecutor’s ability to close in for the kill.

As Harris begins her run for president, she seems to have broken Republicans’ brains but left their sexism and racism intact."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #abortion #women #ReproductiveRights #racism #sexism