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Items tagged with: stemeducation

If you think you are ‘just not a math person’ then think again…
"By bringing mathematics into familiar, low-stakes situations, where the focus is on practical application and curiosity rather than performance, individuals can build more confidence in their use of it."
#MathEducation #MathEd #Teaching #EdDev #STEMeducation

The illusion of attendance: a critical study of large-class lectures…
"low demands placed on staff and students in transmissive lectures encourage an ‘illusion of attendance’ – in which assumptions of learning from, and physical attendance at, large-class lectures are greater than empirical data evidence"
#EdDev #Teaching #STEMeducation #HealthEd

Is calculus an addiction that college admissions officers can’t shake?…
Calculus has been used to filter out students for decades. Example: Calculus for a New Century: A Pump, Not a Filter (1987)
85% of calculus exam questions just involve rote memorization…
#MathEd #HigherEd #STEMEducation