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la lune was being a flirt tonight.

it was already low in the sky, so I got a bit hectic, so this may be a bit blurry.

(thank you friend who told me about it)

Canon 600D: ISO 800, 1/100s exposure

Skywatcher Maksutov: aperture 102mm, focal length 1300mm

#Photography #Astrophotography #Moon

in reply to posiputt ÖvÖ

Wow, that's great! 🤩 Had you done this before?

By the way, another interesting thing on SLRs is to zoom in on the moon with a long lens and be freaked out by how fast it moves across the sky.

in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@FediThing yes, I have done this before. see:

and at this magnification, the moon is always wandering out of frame, and I have to adjust for every photo I take. it's really weird seing this wandering. maybe I'll make a video of it next time!

in reply to posiputt ÖvÖ

If you do a video, try to get something in the foreground (like a tower or whatever) for the moon to move past. It can look really cool! 👍