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> "I just worry we're going to have a generation of kids who have a post-acute infection syndrome because we failed to protect them," Dr Putrino says, "because we told this lie over and over again that kids have nothing to worry about with COVID."

The myth that COVID is 'harmless' for kids has left millions of children with long COVID invisible. Here's what they want you to know via @wallabagapp

#COVID19 #longCovid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAiborne

in reply to Olivier Mehani

This article could have been written about children with ME/CFS any time in the last century.

About 10 years ago I went to the funeral of a young man who had taken his own life after suffering ME/CFS since adolescence.

This is a serious illness and it does cause death.

in reply to David P

Yep. ME/CFS and Long COVID have a lot of overlap and common symptoms. In a way, higher numbers might put more pressure on researching and understanding them better.

But we know what causes this surge, and nothing is done to control this new cause.

in reply to Olivier Mehani

We also know what causes the majority ME/CFS cases. They are typically caused by a prior viral infection. It really doesn't matter which.

Do you know the previous SARS outbreak similarly caused post-viral syndrome illness?

Experts should have known or at least listened to everyone with ME/CFS who knew this was coming.