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Items tagged with: longCovid

A white-hot extended burst of rage at the health sector’s reckless obliviousness to the persistence of COVID and its continuing dire impact on public health. Intense and impolite but important:

#covid #LongCovid

#Mastodon instance #vivaldi deleted all my followers and who I was following.

I was following 4k
Same amount of followers.

Please boost.

I have memory problems and can't find my friends. #longcovid

I am deeply wounded.

Also, turn this off in mastodon setting because if someone has a personal grudge against you, they can go in and delete anything or add anything they want.

#Iceland is a small town. I chose a local instance. They deleted everything, locked me out, and will not respond.

Frage. Hat jemensch mit der Diagnose #LongCovid es schon geschafft, einen #Schwerbehindertenausweis zu bekommen mit mindestens GdB 50 ?


#LongCovid is real & it's not getting any better by ignoring it. #CovidIsNotOver & pretending otherwise is whistling past the graveyard

Fortune magazine is not any kinda leftie platform - they're watching how disabled workforce impacts bottom lines


CDC: infections "likely" growing in 13 states (seems like they'd be the ones who could find out for sure!), global wave heats up, UK parents of #longcovid kids accused of lying, snakes force Wales vax centre closure, China warns citizens about New Zealand surge, a peek at my next book, and more...


Also, a harrowing list of Aotearoa school covid in the past week; UK, Australia, Singapore and many other countries are getting hammered by a new variant. Ugh!

From The Sick Times:

"How to make spaces more accessible during the continuing pandemic"

"A blueprint for radical inclusion and living a full, safer life within the context of Covid-19 exists.

Many mutual aid groups and initiatives advocating for clean air and continued Covid-19 safety are emerging all over the world using technology and layers of protection to help mitigate the spread of viruses."

#CovidIsNotOver #Covid #CovidCautious #LongCovid #Disability

Honesty About Covid is Essential for Progress

"Unfortunately, the newest widely circulating pathogen in the human population uses a broadly expressed ACE2 receptor to infect cells, meaning it can damage almost any part of the body."

"They want your ignorance and incur no cost if you are harmed by being repeatedly infected by COVID-19 or any other pathogen that might be surging in its wake."

#COVID #COVID19 #Corona #CovidIsNotOver #LongCOVID

I cant believe this bill is about to get passed!

It would criminalize mask-wearing in public even for medical reasons ... It's just unacceptable.. there's a change petition and people we need to email tonight/before 9am Wed morning (5-15), this endangers us / violates rights!;;;;

#covid #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #LongCOVID