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They could be playing with grandchildren, building houses for the poor or skydiving.

#USPolitics #Politics

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

The author is a republican who worked for Bush. Just fyi.

Edit: and it contains zero research or use of whatever her specialty is (she doesn't say). I'm not accustomed to The Conversation doing fluff pieces. If you want to dig into the gerontocracy, have someone bring the stats and the research. Don't hire and shill to ruminate at us.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Orion Ussner kidder

@OrionKidder Thank you for the feedback. She is now teaching politics at the University of Virginia.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

This is one thin mint too many. I'm not interested in another "Biden is old" story.