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A feature set like this will never be available in anywhere else than the Fediverse. Mark my words.

@MonaApp adds its own spice and takes it even further.

#Fediverse #SocialWeb

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

I hope this can be available for Android devices at some point. it looks really really nice.
in reply to Nix Kelley

@nix Mona is really nice and has all the features and customizability that Mastodon has and more. But it’s for iOS and AFAIK there won’t be an Android version. I actually purchased an iPhone after using 14 years an Android phone, partly because of more beautiful apps like Ice Cubes, Ivory and Mona. On Android I only used my #BirdUi web version as Chrome app because didn’t find as good Android apps.

#Mona #MonaApp #IceCubes #iPhone

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

Mona is my favourite as well!

But while I like the customisability, my biggest reasons are the timeline margins and reverse scrolling. 👌🏻

(I wrote a bit more here:

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