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:skull360: We have now successfully upgraded to v4.3.0-alpha.5+mementomods-2024-07-11+pr30440 + Mastodon Bird UI 2.0.0rc42.

The branch is now synced and up-to-date and 45 commits ahead from the last version 2024-07-04.

This version contains some fixes to both Mastodon and Mastodon Bird UI. Most notably the new grouped notifications feature (draft!) is available on our instance (details will follow).

As usual, please tell me about any strange things you may encounter with this Mastodon version. We're running bleeding edge after all.

I hope you enjoy your time here. Feel free to send me a message if you have anything in mind. :bunhdheart:

#MementoMoriSocial #MastoAdmin #Mastodon

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

Grouped Notifications UI is still draft, but we like to test new things on production 🙂

Grouped notifications support for Mastodon Bird UI is added in the latest nightly version:

You can enable grouped notifications in notification settings under Experimental features.

#MementoMoriSocial #MastoAdmin #Mastodon #BirdUI #MastodonBirdUI

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Roni Laukkarinen reshared this.

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

This is so nice, I'm stoked! No more endless scrolling.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

Oh wow, I can only wish this was already implemented a long time ago on Mastodon, and clients such as Moshidon.
in reply to AlexTECPlayz

@alextecplayz Most Mastodon iOS apps already have it, like in Mona it's been for almost two years now.
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

it's way better! I think has had this feature before, but I cannot wait to have it in the next Mastodon release.

Did you implement this yourself? Or did you apply any official Mastodon patch?

in reply to Tom :damnified:

@thomas Yeah, many third party apps have it, like most of the iPhone apps.

This is official draft in the Mastodon repo, linked literally two posts back: :blob_smile_sweat:

I just applied the pull request into my Mastodon fork.

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

ah, super sweet. Now if mastodon web UI would remember the position and have threads, there would be no need for app. Perhaps 2026, thumbs up! Excellent to see it developing.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Lari Lohikoski

@lari @megalodon yes, it is nice. I used it for a while. I don't remember why I always go back to megalodon, which feels the nicest otherwise. Perhaps phanpy doesn't hold the place either?
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

@lari @megalodon Ibwas perhaps unclear. One of the top reasons I use megalodon is that it holds the position. None of the web browser apps do.
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

I have been waiting for the feature for ages. But I can not find the menu you have in the pic. It just has that odd "email notifications" (probably dumb Finnish transltion) in menu.