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"Right-wing strategist Steve Bannon, who once pledged to make the world 'as exciting as the 1930s,' promotes the ideas of the Italian Traditionalist Julius Evola, who wrote: 'We would like a more radical, more intrepid Fascism, a really absolute Fascism, made of pure force, inaccessible to compromise.”'

~ Janet Bufton and Tom G. Palmer

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Trump is running a fascist campaign, the most un-American in U.S. history. Below, I offer eight unofficial rules of American democracy that Trump has broken—rules it would have been unthinkable for an American politician to break before Trump arrived on the scene. If he wins despite doing all that, the system itself will break."

~ Nicholas Grossman

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"At stake is nothing less that democracy itself.

Whether we will preserve the peaceful transfer of power or devolve into a white Christian nationalist oligarchy. Whether we will have rule by the people or rule over the people."

~ Jemar Tisby

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #WhiteChristianNationalism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"In an interview with Michael S. Schmidt of the New York Times published tonight, [General John] Kelly noted that he had decided not to speak out about Trump unless Trump said something deeply troubling or something that involved Kelly and was wildly inaccurate. For Kelly, Trump’s recent talk about the 'enemy within' was dangerous enough that he felt obliged to make a public comment."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The retired U.S. Marine Corps general confirmed that Trump is 'certainly the only president that has all but rejected what America is all about, and what makes America America, in terms of our Constitution, in terms of our values, the way we look at everything, to include family and government—he’s certainly the only president that I know of, certainly in my lifetime, that was like that.'”

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Kelly added that 'in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law.'”

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Kelly’s comments, two weeks from Election Day, are the latest in a line of warnings from former Trump White House aides about how he views the presidency and would exercise power if returned to office.

In addition to the fascist comments, Kelly — who was Trump’s chief of staff from 2017 to 2019 — told The New York Times that the former president 'certainly prefers the dictator approach to government.'”


#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"He also confirmed to The Atlantic that Trump had said he wished his military personnel showed him the same deference Adolf Hitler’s Nazi generals showed the German dictator during World War II, and recounted the moment."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"If Harris wins, it’s because just enough voters accept the rule of law and reality itself. That’s probably why we remain so nervous about the outcome. The election won’t merely determine the next president. It’ll define who we are as a nation."

~ Stephen Robinson

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The mystery that will provide full employment for generations of historians is why so many Americans willingly embraced the con and spread the hate that fuels Trump's campaign."

~ Robert B. Hubbell

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"He has now gone all-out demagogue and promised his supporters that he would have no qualms about ordering our military to execute his opponents. Which has left men like John Kelly with few options but to be honest about who Trump is."

~ Brian Tyler Cohen

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"When you’re so undisciplined that you can’t control yourself for the final TWO WEEKS of the campaign, imagine if Trump was unburdened by another election, with his official immunity gifted from the Supreme Court he stacked, his brain cooked, all guardrails removed, and nobody to hold him accountable."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

“It says everything you need to know about the U.S. media that Trump’s clown show at the McDonald’s gets more attention than his former defense secretary and chair of the Joint Chief of Staff warning that Trump is a dangerous fascist with no respect for democracy.”

~ Dean Baker quotes by Margaret Sullivan

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #media #MediaFail

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

It all begins, always, with coercion. It begins with bullying and acts of accelerating violence. It begins with demonstrations that "we" have power over "you" and intend to expand and use that power to put you in your place. To hurt you.

It begins with brownshirts, and moves on to worse and worse things.

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #thuggery #bullying #coercion #violence

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

This election cycle, there are reports from all over the place of widespread stealing of Harris-Walz signs. Here's one (see the link below) from Springfield, Missouri.

This is coercion and bullying, widespread stealing of signs designed to shut people up and tell them what they'll get if they don't comply. It's violence. It's a prelude to fascism that will unleash more violence.

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #thuggery #bullying #coercion #violence

This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Kelly raised two bright red flags that paint a dark and deeply disturbing picture for our nation if Trump were to return to office. First, there was Kelly’s comments to The Atlantic that Trump made it clear that, 'I need the kind of generals that Hitler had.'”

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Then Kelly went further. Kelly noted that Trump 'met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law.'”

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Diana Butler Bass kindly offers a gift link to the New York Times interview with Trump's presidential chief of staff General John Kelly, in which Kelly warns us that Trump meets the definition of a fascist, will govern as a dictator of elected, and has no respect for the Constitution or rule of law.

You can access the gift link by clicking the link to Bass' site and finding the gift link in her essay.

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

David Kurtz points out that two generals, Mark Milley and John Kelly, have now issued dire warnings that Trump is a fascist. As Kurtz notes,

"Kelly’s dual interviews came the same day Trump touted at a campaign event the 'extreme power' he would have if elected again: 'As president, you have tremendous — it’s called extreme power. You have extreme power.'”

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The sobering fact is that nearly half this country is willing to dispose of democracy in order to win. They view it as a matter of survival. Well, so do we. It is not Democrats who are attempting to manage the lives of Republicans. It is the Republicans who are determined to force the rest of us to live under their warped screed."

~ Mark Mansour

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"John Kelly won't let us avert our eyes. …

47 percent of our fellow Americans want this man to be commander-in-chief.

How is this possible?

Because they look away. They choose not to see."

~ Jonathan V. Last

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Kelly was one of the people closest to Trump during his presidency, having served as his Secretary of Homeland Security and then as his longtime chief of staff. Kelly didn’t write a book or take a gig on a news network, so he had no financial incentive to come forward."

~ Jay Kuo

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Indeed, by speaking out as he has, Kelly has put his future and even his own life at risk, because if Trump regains the White House, Trump will likely seek political retribution.

Otherwise put, Kelly has no incentive to fabricate stories, and he has come forward only reluctantly because Trump has grown so extreme."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"When someone of Kelly’s stature and proximity to Trump says the ex-president is a fascist and praised Hitler’s generals, it should send a great chill through our body politic. If this becomes a half-a-day story, it will be an indictment on all of us."

~ Sarah Longwell

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #JohnKelly

This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"'Come on, Hitler isn’t going to do any of that, not really' is what old-line German conservatives told themselves in voting for the National Socialists. It is what every modern social constituency that claims to not want authoritarianism or fascism says before supporting or voting for an authoritarian or fascist."

~ Timothy Burke

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Men who worked with Trump in high positions of authority are telling the American public that he will govern as a fascist would, and this time, without anybody who might try to check those tendencies. The Trumpist future is all in plain sight. Nothing is hidden, nothing is ambiguous, nothing is deniable.

So what do we make of people who should know better who nevertheless deny it?"

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

“So what do we make of people who should know better who nevertheless deny it?"
Or, far worse, embrace it?