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“you are potentially causing more harm than good with your ‘unapologetic anti-genocide’ ridiculousness”

A real thing some USian liberal just said to me.

I have no words.

#IsraeliAmericanGenocideOfThePalestinianPeople #Israel #America #US #USA #genocide #apartheid #ethnicCleansing #settlerColonialism #Palestine #Gaza

in reply to Aral Balkan

how would they describe these images then, exactly? These people are the ridiculous ones.
in reply to Aral Balkan

the only reason it might cause more harm than good is due to liberal stonewalling of it doing any good.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I can only assume they didn't study history at school.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I've been biting my tongue for fear of appearing centrist on this issue.
Here's what gets me:
It is possible to accept that yes, Trump would be worse for Gaza, yes it is a two party system so on voting day it's best to hold your nose and vote Harris..... AND to understand that voting is sometimes less important than street power, and that pressure before the election is worth much more than after, so we have to hold their feet to the fire NOW.
in reply to Jay Stephens

@jaystephens I wouldn’t worry. I’ve seen my share of centrist takes on this subject; yours is downright radical in comparison.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Can I assume, then, that an unapologetic pro-genocide position is what's preferred?
in reply to Bread and Circuses

@breadandcircuses pretty sure apologetic anti-genocide is what's expected:
"Oh yes my apologies for underestimating the 'complexity' of the situation, but could we please stop murdering an entire population."
in reply to Aral Balkan

if being against genocide is "causing harm"...

I mean, holy shit. I can't fathom the mind that can formulate that thought.