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Update: Cybersecurity giant CrowdStrike update causes major outage affecting businesses around the world

So, how’s all that centralisation working out for y’all?

#CrowdStrike #microsoft #BigTech #centralisation #TooBigWillFail

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Zeb Palmer (Syringa Admin)

@zebpalmer The article mentions that the core issue might be CrowdStrike but still, the argument stands: the real culprit is centralisation and global reliance on multi-billion and trillion-dollar US corporations. If one company’s services going down causes this much chaos your system is not resilient.
in reply to Aral Balkan

sure. but saying Microsoft is suffering an outage is inaccurate and borderline unethical at this point. I hate MS and we don't have a single windows box in my org, but still... This is 100% confirmed by #Crowdstrike and every other news outlet to be #CrowdStrike not an MS issue.
in reply to Aral Balkan

This is a good day. Many people will realize they need to switch their services to Linux.
in reply to Aral Balkan

It’s not really centralisation to blame specifically but, as always, a chain of events leading to failure (the Swiss Cheese Model). Unfortunately, the holes have been getting bigger, and everybody has been winging things for too long because “everything works fine”, um, until it doesn’t and then “BSOD”.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Even though this doesn't affect Linux servers, I'm feeling pretty vindicated about pushing back so much on installing it in our environment.

Though I did eventually relent and install a test, I've just pulled the plug on that...