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Items tagged with: Crowdstrike

Ich frage mich ja immer noch, warum der QA bei Crowdstrike dieses Problem nicht aufgefallen ist? Haben die keine Softwaretests bevor die was für die Kunden freigeben?
Dass man eine Software nicht zu 100 Prozent testen kann, ist klar, dass so ein gravierendes Problem aber auf Millionen Rechnern auftritt, lässt in mir den Verdacht aufkommen, dass die dieses Update ohne Absicherung rausgejagt haben.

Do you want a T-Shirt?

"I have spent my entire weekend to fix the #crowdstrike mess and all I got was a lousy gift card"

In Germany you get two days free for every day of the weekend and one day for every night if you have wasted your time on this crap.

Tomorrow is the 25th #sysadminday

1. Don't accept warm words!
2. #unionize !
3. Refuse to deploy this kind of crap
4. Only fix security problems
5. Automate the right way
6. Leave your job before you burnout

Hey #SysAdmin #InfoSec fedi, let's have some fun. 🥳

Microsoft claims that the CrowdStrike thing is EU's fault, acktschually, because years ago EU forced Microsoft to stop abusing their privileged Windows access to have an edge over competitors in antivirus market. 🤨

Seems only fair to have a thread on our favorite examples of Microsoft's utter failures, ideally related to completely botched updates.

Know of such a failure? Share it below! :blobcateyes:

#Microsoft #Windows #CrowdStrike #EU

CrowdStrike Global Outage (Crowd Struck) via @endingwithali

#ThreatWire #CrowdStrike

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

"#CrowdStrike is offering its partners a $10 Uber Eats gift card as an apology"

They honestly playing the pizza party card to their own customers🤡

If you don't use #Crowdstrike, you might be wondering if your EDR could burn you the same way.

Not all EDRs use Early Launch Anti-Malware drivers. To find out if yours does, use a registry editor or explorer (Like the great one in Zimmerman's tools) to check out C:\Windows\System32\config\ELAM. If it has live data in it, then something (listed in the hive) is updating signatures for an ELAM driver. If not, no ELAM drivers are present.

this is why I’ve side eyed any federal document about software #security, quality, or #resilience that demonizes open source software while touting the virtues of commercial cybersecurity products

as if those products aren’t notorious for deep access + flimsy quality…

I’ve written about this concern in two separate RFIs to CISA et al (with co-conspirator @rpetrich)

1) on OSS security

2) on secure by design


^ In our RFIs, we note that commercial security software is often a boon for attackers given its deep access + poor quality

indeed, much of it resembles malware in functionality.

in the #Crowdstrike case now, it’s poorly written malware. “Skidiot” shit, as a friend would say…

For all the ballyhooing about open source, why don’t we take the security of commercial security software more seriously?

and this is why we need to stop absolving *commercial* cybersecurity vendors of software quality concerns.

there should be multiple checks preventing this type of broken content in an update.

how did they allow it to ship to so many machines all at once?


I was like 😱 when I first heard about #Crowdstrike last Friday. Then I noticed that I wasn't surprised. I omgied about all the passengers stuck in the airports, about sysadmins in the datacenters, but not about how this possibly could happen. Now I think that it's good that it blew up this spectacularly compared to the actual damage. The public must know how fragile the infrastructure is that we're trying to push all our decision makings onto. Now we know that we need more resilience now.

I agree with everything Scott Hanselman writes in this post.

#crowdstrike #microsoft #dei #softwaredevelopment

Probably the most succinct description of the #CrowdStrike / #Microsoft fiasco.

On April 21, 2010, the antivirus company McAfee released an update to its software used by its corporate customers. The update deleted a key Windows file, causing millions of computers around the world to crash and repeatedly reboot. Much like the CrowdStrike mistake, the McAfee problem required a manual fix.

Kurtz was McAfee's chief technology officer at the time. Months later, Intel acquired McAfee. And several months after that Kurtz left the company. He founded CrowdStrike in 2012 and has been its CEO ever since.


I like to criticize windows as much as most linux users, but above statement is misinformation.

The issue is #cloudstrike not testing a push for #windows - which is the root cause of this outage. Their product is available for mac and linux as well, and not testing a push for #rhel bringing down all #rhel worldwide is JUST AS plausible.

Compounding this root cause is the corporate security monoculture choosing this shitty #crowdstrike vendor. There!

Who in the world would trust Windows for any mission-critical work? by @sjvn

#Windows has become a single point of failure for the world’s IT infrastructure. We really must move on. #Crowdstrike

Have you been affected by #crowdstrike ?

  • Yes, at work (9%, 167 votes)
  • Yes, in my life (train, plane, …) (3%, 62 votes)
  • I witnessed some BSOD (2%, 50 votes)
  • Not at all, only read about it online (84%, 1485 votes)
1764 voters. Poll end: 3 hours ago


"#CrowdStrike Insiders Sold Stock Before the Outage. How That Happened."

It is to me, too.

This link is not, but should read with a VPN:

Context- someone on the birdside are blaming #crowdstrike on DEI hiring

Here’s the thing folks. I’ve been coding 32 years. When something like this happens it’s an organizational failure. Yes, some human wrote a bad line. Someone can “git blame” and point to a human and it’s awful. But it’s the testing, the Cl/CD, the A/B testing, the metered rollouts, an oh shit button to roll it back, the code coverage, the static analysis tools, the code reviews, the organizational health, and on and on 1/3

How was ya’lls day? I managed to avoid the drama of #crowdstrike but spent most of the afternoon installing our new #mastodon server.

You ever feel like hitting your head against the wall over one stupid problem you know the answer to but cant remember? Yeah I spent an hour doing that with something simple.

I think he is spot on, generally, with his comments on the lack of antitrust enforcement. But #crowdstrike has competitors, right?

I also couldn't help but think, again, of a similar problem hitting the monoculture of much of our food supply.

I've not seen anybody point that out yet: why did #crowdstrike deploy on a friday? Don't they know about #nodeployfriday ?

Hey has anyone else remembered that George Kurtz, the co-founder and CEO of CrowdStrike, was CTO at McAfee on April 21, 2010, when the DAT 5958 McAfee update caused millions of computers worldwide running Windows XP Service Pack 3 to delete svchost.exe causing machines to lose network access and, in some cases, enter a reboot loop?

#InfoSec #crowdstrike #clownstrike

Nach dem welweiten IT-Ausfall, von dem kritische Infrastrukturen betroffen sind, äussert die #BSI Chefin, dass man fortan stärker auf die #Qualität von Produkten achten will.
Ach, doch schon ???
Diese eigentlich selbstverständliche Erkenntnis kommt ein bisschen spät. Von einem Einsatz von #Microsoft und #Crowdstrike, insbesondere im Bereich kritischer Infrastrukturen, hätte ich jedem Kunden bereits vor vielen, vielen Jahren abgeraten. #itausfall #peinlich #kritis #itsicherheit #cybersecurity

Not even ransomware is as effective as CrowdStrike.

#pc #mac #crowdstrike

Managed to resuscitate a total of 8 PCs today between 2 sites. It would have been more but for some ancient machines and various complications that slowed me down.

Next week the fun is sure to continue. 🙄 #CrowdStrike


Channel 4 News, in talking about today's #Microsoft #CrowdStrike fuckup, stated that the expected Y2K effect was imaginary.

No! No! NO!

We* did a massive amount of work to update and ensure systems would keep on working. And more importantly WE TESTED EVERYTHING FULLY BEFORE GOING LIVE.

(* As in everyone responsable for operating computer systems around the world!)

Software made by #US #cybersecurity company was intended to protect against crashes and disruptions in vital systems – it ended up taking them down.

What is #CrowdStrike and how did it cause a global #WindowsOutage?

I’m sitting by the Delta gates at #SeaTac. It is crazy out there because Delta was affected by the #CrowdStrike outage. People were cheering as people deplaned. #seattle #pnw

See, it is possible for something to bring Star Wars and Star Trek fans together, even if one series is obviously better than the other.

#crowdstrike #starwars #startrek