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#Trump's #SecretaryOfRetribution


via #RawStory1):

"Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested"

No, this is not a joke. And it is to be expected. As many people already are familiar with how #Hitler suppressed the opposition 2), I'd like to focus on #Soviet #Russia first. That same time period of the 1930's provides insights into a potential 2nd term for...


No PW:

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#Trump's #SecretaryOfRetribution


...the vindictive #TFG:

"After #Stalin had expanded his dominance in the party in the early 1930s, the purges took on a new, deadly dimension. Between 1934 and 1938, the dictator had a large part of the old party elite liquidated. The three major show trials that took place between 1936 and 1938 against the former leadership guard were only the tip of the iceberg. Between 1933 and 1939, the number of...


in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

#Trump's #SecretaryOfRetribution


...#CPSU [Communist Party of the Soviet Union] members fell from 3.5 million to 1.6 million.
Countless #Soviet citizens were executed or lost their lives in the #LaborCamps during this period." 3)

The list of 350 will certainly just be a start. The "great" dictators of the 20th...

Arch Getty, Origins of the Great Purges. The Soviet Sommunist Party reconsidered. 1933-1938, Cambridge, Mass. 1985 et al in:

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in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

#Trump's #SecretaryOfRetribution


...century are a prime example to "follow" for #TFG.

“This is a deadly serious report,” Rep. #JamieRaskin (D-MD) told Raw Story. “A retired U.S. military officer has drawn up a ‘Deep State target list’ of public officials he considers traitors, along with our family members and staff. His hit list is a vigilante death warrant for hundreds of Americans and a clear and present danger to the survival of American democracy and

in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

What do these fucking fools think is going to happen?

The 80% of the country that *doesn’t* want to go around hating on people are willingly going to let this happen?

They are going to be taught as an example of how not to try to take over a country just like the name Trump will forevermore be an example of who not to be.

They’re going to become God damned prey. In every sense of those words.

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Dear Mafia,
Can you remove this turd from our shoe?
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He’ll be back to sucking cock in men’s bathrooms, and fondling boys once he’s done that, I imagine.