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Now. Who are the absolute units who told me they couldn’t -possibly- erase Grace Hopper, like a week ago?…

funnymonkey reshared this.

in reply to Lesley Carhart

I wasn't honestly expecting them to do that in the stupidest possible way, but the administration has been eminently predictable on that front, so I'm not sure what exactly I was thinking.
in reply to Ma Quest

@MaQuest annoyingly an LLM could probably (by accident) do a better job of this, what we are seeing here is a simple no-context search for words like ‘gay’ and flagging everything that has those characters in that order
in reply to Lesley Carhart

Yet another case of white men insecure about their own masculinity.
in reply to Lesley Carhart

USAF museum quickly painting over the nose art to call it the Enola Straight.

Lesley Carhart reshared this.

in reply to Lesley Carhart

I tried using this to explain to a conservative that this was intentional.

Pretty sure they tuned out after I sent the keywords DOD was given.

in reply to Lesley Carhart

there's a whole decade called the Gay (18)'90s to discover yet.
in reply to Lesley Carhart

The military is forgetting its history and not only bending over for #trump, they have already removed their trousers, underwear and put some spit to lube it. They are just waiting for Trump to slide in the orange sausage.... Don't complain later.
in reply to Lesley Carhart

They’re gonna rename that airplane the Enola No Homo 🤦🏾‍♂️
in reply to Lesley Carhart

this is a silent disaster, they’re erasing history. like burning down a library with no smoke or rubble

Lesley Carhart reshared this.

in reply to John Harden

@giantspecks you could see the smoke from the Nazi book burnings. This time they’re just using a document repo and some paint.
in reply to Lesley Carhart

Trump is responsible for this embarrassing anti-constitutional witch hunt, performed to factually Make America Petty Again, in service of satisfied Putin.
in reply to Lesley Carhart

Those waging war against DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) are insurrectionists & enemies of the Constitution's Reconstruction Amendments 13, 14 & 15 and should therefore be naturally disqualified for holding any office under the United States — says the Fourteenth Amendment's Section 3.

No government office should be in the hands of any revisionist & revanchist rebels.…
#RuleOfLaw #EnemiesOfDEI #EnemiesOfTheConstitution #ConstitutionalOrder #Constitution #DisqualifyALLRebels #ProsecuteALLRebels #USPol #USPolitics

in reply to Lesley Carhart

Wait. Did they come for the Admiral and I missed it? Or are we, rightfully, concerned they will?
in reply to arch-packetmancer

@sng They’re purging lots of noteworthy women historical engineers and military members from physical and digital records, and a lot of indignant people told me that would never happen to her.

They just purged a WWII aircraft because it had the word gay in it. They don’t care. She’ll go too.

in reply to Lesley Carhart

to me this is all a consequence of their experience of philosophy extending only to a few paragraphs from stoicism (and maybe mouldbug if we stretch the term philosophy). Conservatives seem at best a few steps away from object permanence let alone compreneding that the use of words, like everything change (imagine their deep shock when they learn boys were once adorned in pink and girls blue 🤣😤)

Donkey brains the lot of them. Dangerous donkey brains who can keep their sticky fuckin hands off Grace.

Lesley Carhart reshared this.

in reply to Lesley Carhart

Nazi Germany was as bad! Only slightly more intelligent, competent and efficient than the Musk-Trump presidency. Unitedstatians are now at the same level of citizens of North Korea or maybe Iran but much less educated!
in reply to armando

@armando sadly it’s easier to digitally delete history than make big book fires.
in reply to Lesley Carhart

The ENTIRE CDC website has been copied off-site, and out of country. So much of what's helpful is available. Part of fighting back.

Research has been cancelled by the Russian agents, helpful people fired, and the rights removed, and checks gone missing. Its a lot of hate.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Lesley Carhart

Remember when those same Very Serious People®™ told us that they couldn't possibly kill Roe v Wade?

Feels like a lifetime ago. Many people's lifetimes, actually...

in reply to Lesley Carhart

There's a reason I find a way to mention ADM Hopper in every class I teach. She had a great influence on me (an old cis white guy). And her nanosecond speech is still applicable.
in reply to Lesley Carhart

I changed the cover photo to her as soon as the bullshit started.

Knowing they would absolutely erase her given half a chance.

in reply to jb

Well, when our new building was being outfitted, a question on what to name the six conferences rooms came up. I suggested Curie, Ride, Hopper, Ada, Lemar, and Harris. Unfortunately, they just call them by their room numbers. 😕
in reply to Graham Watt

When I worked for a U.S. national lab, the main supercomputers (massive Crays) were named after chemists. The newest at the time was MCURIE.

With the advent of parallel computing and distributed workloads in clusters, the naming doesn’t get as lovely anymore. You only give pets names, after all, cattle are numbers or identifiers.

in reply to jb

@jb visiting those was hugely significant to my youth.
in reply to Lesley Carhart

I can't help but wonder if cancelling the Enola Gay might not be a troll move from the inside? I.e. that someone realizes how stupid this is and is making a point by taking it to an extreme that even right wing war hawks would feel a little embarrassed by.