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Oh goodie
Trump’s classified documents (read: treasonous charges) trial has been canceled indefinitely.
Who knew that was an option?
Can *all* accused people just cancel their trials?
#askingforafriend #gaza #genocide #genocidejoe

#cronyism #corruption #bias #TwoTieredLegalSystem #uspoli #uspolitics #trump

in reply to Rob

No, the trial hasn’t been canceled indefinitely, it’s just that the trial date that was set set turned out to be overly optimistic, and there’s a lot more work to be done to prosecutor the guy before they can go to a jury.

The trial is absolutely not canceled. In fact they are continuing to work quite hard to bring it forward.

in reply to volkris

When he wins in November (not if), he’ll simply cut all funding to the prosecution. Ipso facto, the trial will never be rescheduled.
Or better yet, #GenocideJoe will do it under the guise of uniting the country or some other shit.
in reply to Rob

right, and THEN we can say the trial would have been canceled indefinitely.

So voters need to keep that in mind as they vote.

If the people are so eager to vote for Trump even though he’d end the prosecution–or even because he’d end the prosecution–then that ends up being more of a correction to a prosecution that didn’t have solid public support.

But for now, the prosecution is ongoing, and if people want to see it continue they’ll vote against Trump.