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#EV stands for EVIL Vehicles. Data shows that only 5% of an EV battery is recycled. The electronic components of an EV battery weighs at least 20% of the weight of an EV battery that typically weighs well over 1000 lb. Even if you ignore the toxic and carcinogenic components such as cobalt in the battery, you still have 200lb electronics and plastic that are not recycled. An EV also uses electronic controls that will never be recycled.
#climatechange #climate,or%20disposed%20of%20in%20landfill.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Joseph

@Joseph Lithium itself is toxic. And there is no proof that lithium free cells are less toxic and carcinogenic. Even PCs are only 20% recycled on this planet according to UN data. There is NO way the highly toxic electronic components (all mixed up) of an Evil vehicle can have a higher percentage. Only lithium is valuable. ALL other components are extremely difficult and highly COSTLY to recycle as KNOWN by most scientists. You are a victim of Elon Musk's disinformation.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Arthur Hau, PhDšŸ¶šŸ±šŸŒ±šŸŽµšŸ¦£

Bold of you to assume that I like Musk or Tesla, but fundamentally EVs are better than petrol cars. Ideally public transport is better than private transport, but there simply isn't the infrastructure for most people to access appropriate public transport.
in reply to Joseph

@Joseph You stick with those disinformational media that praise EVs. I was a social scientist who only believe in real data from real independent research institutes and real academic journals, not whatever disinformational I have a PhD in economics. I do my own research. People like you will never impress.