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Here are so-called "protesters" in Manhattan last week, with a Hezbollah flag and a Hamas headband.

Everyone who's saying "peaceful protesters!" and "it's not #antisemitism!" needs to STFU for a minute.

Hamas and Hezbollah are antisemitic terrorist groups. In 1994, Hezbollah drove a car bomb into a Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, killing 85 people and wounding 300 more.

If you think killing every Jew in the world is "resistance," you're a sick piece of shit.

#USPol #Israel #Gaza

in reply to Barney

The asshole who responded has been blocked by me, but note that he's pulling the "bad apple" excuse.

This doesn't work because the whole point is that one bad apple spoils the bunch.

More to the point, one rotten watermelon that all these other watermelons gleefully accept as their own shows that they're all rotted with antisemitism.