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This is a great article by professor Nir Eisikovits, but I think he could have dove deeper. Agreed that media literacy is a problem, but I think it's more pervasive than people consuming "news" through social media, rather the question becomes: Why did people turn to social media to consume news? That question is at the core of the problem of media literacy and critical thinking in the U.S.


#SocialMedia #News #TikTok

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in reply to ArtilectZed

Good point, we also should look at the addictive properties of social media, the birth of algorithms, and what I like to call the Gambler's prison - people that play slots 90% of the time don't play to win, they play to see the colors change over and over, it's addictive. Pick your poison - TikTok, Cocomelon, Instagram stories, etc.
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