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"Ethics" is not the only problem with generative A.I. -- *epistemology* is broken too.

My latest for Public Books: in the face of #google telling us to eat rocks, we bought an encyclopedia.

Companion blog post here:

#AI #ethics #EthicsInAI #knowledgeinfrastructures #libraries

in reply to Janet Vertesi

"Yet knowledge is not a market commodity. Moreover, “justified true belief” does not result from an optimization function. Knowledge may be refined through questioning or falsification, but it does not improve from competition with purposeful nonknowledge. If anything, in the face of nonknowledge, knowledge loses."

FYI @benjedwards @justinhendrix @JustinPotBlog @emilymbender @pluralistic @aram @randomwalker @histoftech @eszter @natematias @ntnsndr @Wolven