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Items tagged with: ethics

#Poland’s leader plans to suspend the right to #asylum as country faces pressure on #Belarus #border


Through its involvement in the lost wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan, Poland has contributed significantly to the refugee flows. Refusing to accept refugees is therefore not only ethically reprehensible but also a testimony to inhumane criminal politics.

#europe #eu #refugees #humanrights #humanity #Problem #politics #ethics #fail #news #crime #military #war

#PACE hearing on Julian #Assange's #detention and conviction and their chilling effects on human rights


It is a shame for Western democracy that neither #Sweden nor the #UK have a review and a committee of inquiry into the failure of justice and US interference in the supposedly independent judiciary in the Assange case. Unfortunately, many politicians in Western Europe believe that human rights are only violated in Russia, China or Afghanistan, but not on their own doorstep. Distracted by the many crises and the rise of far-right parties, Europe is heading straight into diabolical chaos 😱

#humanrights #europe #politics #justice #wikileaks #journalism #press #freedom #democracy #news #ethics #fail #problem #future #USA #torture #scandal

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Kedric Payne, senior director of #ethics at the nonpartisan Campaign #Legal Center & fmr deputy chief #counsel in the Office of Congressional Ethics, adding that the goal was probably to pressure #Deloitte into firing the worker. “You can’t imagine that if one employee out of thousands made a statement that offended an official, that then the #government #contracts would be in jeopardy.”

#Trump #revenge #politics

On Sept 27, Donald Trump Jr. exposed the employee’s name & photograph to millions of people on social media, writing, “Maybe it’s time for the #GOP to end #Deloitte’s taxpayer funded gravy train?” Others — including #JDVance’s chief spox & a #Republican senator — circulated Trump Jr.’s comments, & the *#conservative* website #Breitbart published a story naming the man & highlighting his job.

Deloitte receives ~$3B annually from federal agencies including the HHS & DOD.

#Trump #Revenge #Ethics

#Ethics experts said the episode is a potentially ominous preview of how a 2nd #Trump admin might use the enormous #power the federal govt wields over #private #industry to #punish #political acts by individual workers. Although federal #ContractLaw prohibits cutting off a business because of its workers’ private political views, such #threats could have a chilling effect, they said.

#Trump allies threaten #Deloitte contracts after employee shares #JDVance chats

#Republicans backing Trump are threatening Deloitte, a consulting firm that is one of the federal #government’s largest business partners, with the loss of billions of dollars in contracts because an employee shared messages from 2020 in which JD Vance criticized the Trump’s record.

#ethics #law

North Dakota’s Likely Next Governor Brushes Off Conflict Concerns, Says His #Oil and #Gas Ties Would Benefit the State

Kelly Armstrong earns nearly all of his personal income from oil and gas. If elected, he'll lead boards overseeing the industry in a state with weak financial disclosure rules.

#News #NorthDakota #Energy #Government #Politics #Ethics #Conflict #Transparency #Disclosure #Stocks

Donald #Trump suggests ‘one rough hour’ of policing will end #theft


Who would have thought that science fiction like in “The Purge” would become reality so quickly?


#usa #future #crime #police #politics #election #vote #president #government #whitehouse #problem #ethics #justice #law

Senator tells Native American candidate to go back to where she came from, storms out of public event


#fail #history #usa #colonization #politics #education #Problem #news #ethics

AI writing police reports can allow officers to avoid responsibility for said reports

One concern of AI is the ability to abdicate (maybe even say, 'obfuscate') responsibility

Do something bad in report?

Solution for any unethical behavior?

"blame the AI machine" 🤖

Maybe some even see this as a benefit. More immunity.

w/Love to see all pitch emails / inner discussion

#policing #News #AI #artificialintelligence #Law #Qualifiedimmunity #ethics #activism #police

#RonWyden …said the goal of the bill is to restore public confidence in a battered institution. He said he hopes to get parts of the bill passed, even if the whole package is not embraced by lawmakers.

“It’s not an atomic secret that the process for selecting justices is politicized,” #Wyden said. “You’ve got this thoroughly politicized process resulting in a #SupremeCourt that now frequently issues sweeping rulings to overturn laws & upend precedents.”

#law #SCOTUS #ethics #JudicialEthics

“We are proposing a way to restore some balance between the 3 branches of government,” Sen #RonWyden added.

The bill’s most significant measure would increase the number of justices from 9 to 15 over the course of 12 years. The staggered format over 2 or 3 administrations is aimed at diminishing the chance that one #political party would pack the courts with its nominees.

#law #SCOTUS #ethics #JudicialEthics

Link to bill, summary & full text:

Sweeping bill to overhaul #SCOTUS would add 6 justices

The legislation by Sen #RonWyden (D-OR) is one of the most ambitious efforts to date to remake the #SupremeCourt following
controversies over rulings & #ethics.

A sweeping bill introduced by a Democratic senator Wednesday would greatly increase the size of the Supreme Court, make it harder for the justices to overturn #laws, require justices to undergo #audits & remove roadblocks for high court #nominations.
