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If you want to keep using @signalapp in the EU, say no to #ChatControl

#Signal #ChatControl #EU #surveillance

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in reply to Aral Balkan

For a list of EU representatives that EU citizens can contact:

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to Hilmar Gústafsson

It is even more important now do contact the member countries MEPs because we still need to create a blocking minority in the EU council.

One organization in Sweden, @konstellationen, sent some questions to all the parties in the parlament.

Here are the questions translated to English:

And they also encouraged people to email the parties.

Would be nice if more organizations did that

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to FinalOverdrive

@FinalOverdrive @lihram @konstellationen Well, gve it a try.

Weirdly enough the far right nationalists in Sweden have a good stance against Chat Control while the social democrats are the ones most for it.

It will make a change if people email. Especially liberals who should be against Chat Control but won't have the courage if they don't know people demand privacy

in reply to Samuel

@lihram @konstellationen I translated the post to English:

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to Samuel

@samuel @lihram @konstellationen

I think we need to talk to the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Justice. The voting will happen on that level. MEPs have nothing to do in this case. It's the representatives from the countries on that level or Coreper II.

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to Bogomil Shopov - Бого

@bogo @lihram @konstellationen That is true. But in Sweden at least, the minister needs to have the parliament support.

The issue was raised at the Justice Committee’s meeting in the Swedish parliament on 18 June. It was about whether Sweden would stand behind Belgium’s compromise proposal..

However, the goverment was very sneaky and didn't send out documents beforhand. The MEP:s got the info on the meeting. Two parties who are against missed that they should oppose.

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

: regardless of which chat app you use (if even any): if you want to help protect children from being (sexually) abused, wake up everyone who thinks that Chatcontrol will solve that problem.

On the contrary, it will make things worse: not a single abused child will be found while the number of (police) officers, who chase actual abusers of children, will decrease. More info via

There are a zillion of other reasons why Chatcontrol won't save children but will cause havoc: it is *hard* to *re-detect* known CSAM video's ( while it is impossible to reliably detect abuse of children in live streams.


#CSS #ChatControl #CSAM #Children #Lobby #Lobbyists #TechLobby #TechSolutionists #Thorn #Safer_io #Profits #MisleadingClaims #FalsePositives #FalseNegatives

in reply to Aral Balkan

I will keep using it no matter what the EU does haha!
in reply to Edgelord

@colonel Not if #Signal is forced to block access to people in the EU as they have said they won’t comply with #ChatControl if it passes. Unless this was a “I’m not based in the EU, haha” post, in which case, guess what other jurisdictions will be looking to justify using this as precedent if the EU passes it.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Guess it's about time to set up my own Signal proxy. Fucking asshats will not give up until mass surveillance is in place.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I am as concerned about the EU as I am with Germany’s recent steps towardstotal surveillance!!!!
in reply to Aral Balkan

Looking at that small green area I am reminded of That Brave Little Village in the Asterix comics 😬
