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#SolarEclipse2024 forecast from #nasa #gsfc #gmao office and timing details from #heliophysics folks

Don’t look at the sun. Make a pinhole projector and observe the shadow of the eclipse if you are without glasses.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to legraLeGra

Bits of the training #nasa gives its scientists are from MinuteEarths excellent illustrated explanation videos.

Check it out.

Did you know that departures of #eclipse calculations in the past from predicted helped scientists figure out the earths rotation rate is slowing down?

in reply to legraLeGra

If you cannot view the #eclipse, #nasa will have English, Spanish, and silent flavors of streaming from 1p EST.

Einsteins #GeneralRelativity predicted that massive objects like the sun should bend light with their massive gravity. Photos of stars at night versus during an eclipse show this effect.