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in reply to Bob Tregilus :tux:πŸ“·:copyleft:

So interesting, wouldn't you wanna know how and why they where made and what was going on in the mind of the artist. Its beautiful!
in reply to Ambivalena :verigold:

@ambivalena Yes, that would be interesting to know, but that has been lost to time. Since I'm not of the culture who made them I refuse to even guess what the person had in mind who made them. But I love finding them and looking at them!
in reply to Bob Tregilus :tux:πŸ“·:copyleft:

I think it would be hard to guess even if it was your culture. The petroglyphs that we got over here is not easy to understand either, even if it is "the same culture" as I belong to.
in reply to Ambivalena :verigold:

You nailed it. I always loath any attempt to attribute meaning to pictographs and petroglyphs. They range up to 10,000 years old, however, these are probably around 1,200 years old. Too much has changed and there's just no way to understand what the person was thinking when they drew them
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