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Journalists in the UK are being detained under the Terrorism Act for reporting on the Israeli-American genocide of the Palestinian people.

This is fascism.

Under “Labour”, no less.

(Not surprising, of course, for one colonialist to support another.)

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #genocide #apartheid #settlerColonialism #UK #UnitedKingdom #Labour #USA #UnitedStates

in reply to Aral Balkan

damn. I remembered reading somewhere that the sentiment was starting to shift away from that after the elections earlier this year. Unfortunate.
in reply to Aral Balkan

hardly surprising, Labour have always been deep in bed with Israel...Starmer, and Co especially.
It's why parts of the party worked against Corbyn during both General elections, when he was leader, and ensured he never won, and then expelled him and everything left of them when they took charge. They are essentially the small c conservatives that governed before the Tories slid far right under Johnson
in reply to Aral Balkan

It seems to be there is very little differentiation between Hamas, who as we are constantly reminded are classed as a terrorist group and the population of Gaza / west bank, (Palestinians) some of whom were there BEFORE Hamas, and most (given most of the population is < 18) probably don't know anything else, but are too young to vote, even if they were allowed to vote.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Disgraceful but not really unexpected, unfortunately. Another reason I try to advertise and as much as possible so that people are more aware of how we end up in situations like this because the mainstream media certainly won't tell you what these two sites do. #DoubleDownNews #DeclassifiedUK
in reply to Aral Balkan

Imagine trying to work as a journalist abroad when you have a “classified” arrest under anti-terrorism laws. Even if/when the UK withdraws the charges, other countries could look at his history and choose to arbitrarily deny entry based on this arrest.

They are neutering his career.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

So let me get this straight.... Murdering civilians for fun is fine, but saying that civilians deserve to live is terrorism?
Labour are fascists then, not much more to it.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Really stark constrast between this (and the previous anti-genocide protest in the UK as presented in the media)

To the slap on the wrist like all the right-wing ultras who burned buildings, flipped cars, attacked people who looked different

On average they were getting what, 2 months?