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Items tagged with: MicheálMartin


Items tagged with: MicheálMartin

Tell me Ireland is America’s bitch without telling me…

Micheál Martin: Can’t I just show you on live television instead?…

#MicheálMartin #Ireland #EU #Trump #OvalOffice #USA #fascism

I hope someone’s waiting at Dublin airport with disinfectant when Micheál Martin gets back from the US. You don’t want whatever he has on his lips after kissing Trump’s ass so hard to spread on a tiny island.

#MicheálMartin #Ireland #US #Trump #fascism

I could only bear to watch so much of this cringeworthy, spineless, groveling performance. I hope Irish me holes come pre-lubed because he’s going to be very sore in the morning otherwise.…

#MicheálMartin #MeHole #yesSir #ofCourseSir #thankYouSir #whateverYouSaySir #howWouldYouLikeMeSir #Ireland #USA #Trump #fascism