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Items tagged with: Neuroscience

Only a few weeks left before the deadline, if you want to apply for the PhD position in our lab:


"If you take it for granted that nobody can listen in on your innermost thoughts, I regret to inform you that your brain may not be private much longer. Luckily, the brain is lawyering up." Colorado passed legislation to prevent companies from selling your brainwaves. But is it enough to stop the likes of Meta and Apple?

Story by Sigal Samuel re: #neurorights #neurotech #neuroethics #neuroscience #neurology #neurotechnology #ethics #technology

I'm happy to present the last paper from my thesis!

Lisa Li and I set out to build a model of fly walking which is based on 3D kinematics data, handles perturbations, and includes sensorimotor delays. (This was supervised by Bing Brunton and @tuthill )

We set up a new modeling framework, generated fly walking with kinematics matched to real data, a simple metric for quantifying similarity of trajectories, and found constraints on delays for robust walking!

#neuroscience #drosophila #walking #preprint


What a fly fly flight simulator! Stefan Prech developed an #immersive visual stimulation device for insects that lets you take a peek into the brain. Read about it: #Drosophila #VR #neuroscience @MPIforBI

Call for paper contributions! Donate your preprint/ paper/ repository to the Neuroscience Reprohack on 7 and 8 May in Amsterdam.
Authors will get a free reproducibility check and feedback on their efforts. Participants will get to learn from your work and hands-on experience with reviewing other peoples' code.
Check for more event details and how to submit your work

#Neuroscience #ReproducibleResearch